How to turn off Raspberry Pi Camera red led ?
So this might be one the like simplest thing you wanna do with your raspberry pi camera .
The Led in the raspberry pi camera 1 as well as v2 is quite bright and as a matter of fact we can manually control it and use it like we are using a led directly connected to raspberry pi GPIO pins
Step 1 : Login into raspberry pi using normal gui or ssh
Step 2 : Run this line in terminal
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
we need to modify the config file in order to set off the led this line opens config file in nano text editor
Step 3 : Scroll down to the file end using arrow keys

Step 4: Add the following line in the end of the file

Press ctrl+ s and then ctrl + x and save the file and exit
Step 5: Reboot the pi by using the following command
sudo reboot now
Now test by running the following script in python3
import time
import picamera
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (1024, 768)
camera.led= False
camera.capture('foo.jpg')camera.led= False
Happy Experimenting :)