Visual Studio Code Extensions (Python Developer Edition)

Visual Studio Code is one of the most loved ide’s and one of its many loved features is its large support for extensions! So get ready to open the doors of customizability and come aboard.
At some point we all wanted few extra add-on features to our ide, so here are few extensions which surely would make the task of any python developer a lot of fun if not easier.
Looks Matters!
So here are some of the best dark and tech-savvy themes and icon packs for your favorite ide
Cyberpunk → Activate SCARLET Protocol (beta)

with magnificent Red and mysterious black, what can go wrong?
Press CTRL + K+T to select the themes
Also, it has a lot of settings and micro customization features, so if you are an adventurous type of person go forth and search the premises.
Material Icon Theme

This extension will ensure that next time you see your files, you won't have to see the extension to find what type of file they are, rejuvenate the looks now
Pro hacker theme
Tangy green with deep blacks, perfect for scripting.

Prettier — Code formatter

Code formating at its best! so no more sluggish JSON or HTML files, let this extension handle your messy coding style habits
Bracket Pair Colorizer

Can’t find the brackets in a nested loop scenario? Too much eye strain? well, don't worry this extension got you covered. New brackets, new colors
Pre- coded boilerplate for making life easy

Python Type Hint
Syntax made easy. Does exactly what name suggests


AREPL for python
Run code while you code , really helpful while debugging

Live Server
Although not directly related to python, it's no secret that we all have at some point experienced HTML websites and a live server to show output as we code, surely is handy

Live Share
Working with a team? Need a quick console to code together? Don't say a word more this extension got you covered with extra options for audio, files, and ease of use. I highly doubt you wanna skip it

So that's all from my side, feel like I missed something mention that down in the comment section.
Happy developing :)